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    1. This report is the intellectual property of Acuité Ratings & Research Limited (ARRL) and is only intended for the use of the buyer for its internal requirements.
    2. Any reproduction or dissemination of information from this report, in whole or in part, without the express consent of Acuité Ratings & Research is strictly prohibited. Once a No Objection (NOC) is issued by ARRL, any such reproduction or dissemination can be effected in an external document with due credit to the latter.
    3. This report provides analytical insights and opinions of the research analysts of ARRL and should not be construed as any recommendation to buy, sell or hold shares or other securities of companies in the microfinance sector.
    4. ARRL will not accept any liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of this report or its contents.
    5. The report is prepared by Acuité Research, a division of ARRL which operates independently of the ratings function. The views and opinions of Acuité Research may be different from that of Ratings. Acuité Research accesses data available in the public domain and has no access to the data provided by the clients of Acuité Ratings.