Experienced management and assured off-take through long term power purchase agreement (PPA)
The Refex group is involved in business of Refrigerant Gases, Renewable Energy Utility Grade EPC projects, O&M of Solar Power Plants, Solar IPP businesses & Ash Disposal Management, Power Trading and Trading of Coal. Refex group has commissioned ~1 GW projects under differing conditions of Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan. The group has a strong pipeline of ~250 MW+ under various stages of execution. Refex Group follows conservative approach towards its capital management and manages the operations majorly through equity and internal accruals. SMPCPL entered into a 25-year long PPA at a fixed tariff of Rs.8.28 per unit (kWh) of power supplied, with NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited (NVVN). This substantially mitigates demand and price risk associated with the project. The company entered into an agreement in January, 2012 and the plant commenced its operations in February, 2013. Further, the PPA is also secured by an irrevocable revolving letter of credit (LC) opened by the NVVN in favour of the SMPCPL for payment assurance. SMPCPL raises invoice on NVVN on or before the fifth of the succeeding month, and the payments are to received within 30 days from the bill submission date. The Refex group is expected to manage the O&M activity of the solar plant and will ensure efficient cost structure to aid the financial risk profile of the company. Acuité believes that the presence of strong management, assured off-take, long-term PPA and moderate counterparty receivable risk keeps the business risk profile moderate and stable over the medium term.
Strong counter-party profile
SMPCPL has entered into a 25 year long PPA at a fixed tariff of Rs. 8.28 per unit with NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited (NVVN). NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Ltd. (NVVN) was formed by NTPC Ltd in the year 2002, as its wholly owned subsidiary to tap the potential of power trading in the country. NVVN holds a highest Category ‘I’ power trading license as per latest CERC regulation. NVVN is also the nodal agency for sale of 1,000 MW (733-MW operational) solar bundled power under Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) Phase I. The company has strong payment track record from its counterparty-NVVN, thereby, leading to low counterparty risk. NVVN has been making all the payments within a week's time from submission of invoice, and availing prompt payment discount of 2 percent. Acuité believes that the presence of strong counterparty profile mitigates the receivable risk keeps the business risk profile moderate and stable over the medium term.
Presence of structured payment mechanism
The bank facilities availed by SMPCPL are backed by a Debt Service Reserve Account (DSRA) in the form of a fixed deposit worth 2.55 Cr. In addition, the bank facilities are supported by a Ecrow account through which all receipts from NVVN shall be routed. The order regarding the manner in which funds shall be utilized has been clearly laid down by the lender. Further, there is presence of cash sweep clause which allows the lender to utilize the surplus amount in the escrow account towards the prepayment of the debt undertaken by the company. Acuité believes that the lender derives comfort from the structure envisaged to ensure timely repayment of the bank facilities over the medium term.
Below-average financial risk profile
The financial risk profile of the company is constrained by high gearing (debt-to-equity) though supported by moderate Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR). SMPCPL has setup 10 megawatt solar power plant at a project cost of Rs.100.00 Cr funded out of term loan of Rs.63.00 Cr and balance out of promoters’ funds by way of equity and unsecured loan. SMPCPL’s net worth has been eroded over the years on account of depreciation, high interest cost, O&M expenses, write off of loans and advances given to previous group companies and no fresh infusion of capital by new management. In FY2021 and FY2022, the company has written off advances given to a group company of Rs.30.48 Cr and this practice resulted in deterioration of net worth leading to high gearing at 11.23 times as of March 31, 2022. However, SMPCPL’s cash flows are adequate enough to service its debt obligations. Acuité believes that the financial risk profile of the company to remain stable over the medium term on account of stable operating performance of the solar plant over the years.
High customer concentration and geographical concentration in revenue profile
SMPCPL has entered into the PPA agreement for sale of power generated from the 10 MW solar plant located in Rajasthan with NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Ltd. (NVVN) along with 100% per cent assured offtake. However, it can be observed that the contribution from a single customer (i.e. NVVN) is 100.00 per cent in a given financial year, thereby, leading to significant customer and geographical concentration risk. Above risk is mitigated to an extent on account of strong credit profile of the counterparty.
Revenue profile susceptible to climatic risk and government regulation
The performance of the solar plant is highly dependent on favorable climatic conditions including the solar radiation levels which have direct impact on the plant load factor (PLF). The company is presently operating at PLF of around 18 percent. Acuité believes that the company’s business profile and financial profile can be adversely impacted on account of presence of inherent climate risk and also regulatory risk in any instances of tariff revision.