Extensive experience of the promoters
IJPL is based out of Maharashtra and is incorporated in 2007 and is engaged in manufacturing of denims. The company is promoted by Mr. Prasad Pabrekar and Mr. Sudesh Vaidya who collectively have over two decades of experience in the garment manufacturing industry. The operations of the company are managed by a qualified and well experienced senior management team who are ably supported by a strong line of mid-level managers. The extensive experience of the promoters and the management has helped the company to establish long and healthy relationship with reputed customers and suppliers over the years. The key customers of the company include names such as Spykar Jeans, Arvind Fashion, Reliance Gas Lifestyle India Private Limited among others.
Acuité believes that IJPL will continue to benefit from the experience of the promoter and established relations with its customers and suppliers.
Steady operating performance
IJPL manufactures denims classified into 2 categories i.e. Basic denims and designer denims. The company caters to reputed brands like Spykar Jeans, Arvind Fashion, Reliance Gas Lifestyle India Private Limited amongst others. Over the last three years the operating performance of the company has registered a healthy growth reflected by a CAGR growth of 28 percent. The operating income of the company stood at Rs. 216.53 crore for FY23 (Prov.) as against Rs. 211.84 crore for FY22 and Rs. 103.30 crore for FY21. The improvement in operating performance comes at the back of increase price realization and volumes. IJPL has limited bargaining power with respect to the prices of its products and hence cannot pass on the increased input cost completely to the customers. Over the last three years the company has increased its manufacturing capacity and also automated its plant to optimize costs which has led to improvement in the margins in FY23 (Prov.). The operating margins of the company stood at 8.20 percent in FY23 (Prov) as against 4.74 percent in FY22 and 5.02 percent in FY21. The PAT margins however saw a steady improvement at 2.80 percent in FY23 (Prov) as against 1.40 percent in FY21 and 0.18 percent in FY20.
Acuité believes that the business risk profile of the company is likely to continue to improve on the back of reputed clientele and healthy demand expected over the near to medium term.
Efficient working capital operation
The working capital operations of the company are efficient marked by GCA days of 94 days in FY23 (Prov) as against 84 days in FY22 and 129 days in FY21. The company procures raw materials basis the orders at hand and the manufacturing process takes approximately 30-40 days. The inventory holding period of the company stood at 46 days in FY23 (Prov.)as against 2 days in FY22 and 13 days in FY21. The debtor collection of the company has improved over the last three years and stood at 41 days in FY23 (Prov) as against 68 days in FY22 and 98 days in FY21. The creditor days of the company stood at 28 days in FY23 (Prov) as against 25 days in FY22 and 61 days in FY20. Further, the reliance of the company on bank limits is moderate reflected by average utilization of 80 % for 9 months ended May 2023.
Acuité believes that the ability of the company to manage its working capital operations will remain a key rating sensitivity over the medium term.
Average financial risk profile
The financial risk profile of the company is average marked by moderate networth, high gearing and healthy debt protection metrics. The tangible networth of the company stood at Rs. 26.20 crore as on March 31, 2023 (Prov.) as against Rs. 20.14 crore as on March 31, 2022 and Rs. 12.67 crore as on March 31, 2021. Increase in tangible networth is on account of steady accretion of profits to reserves. Further, the promoters have also infused equity of ~4.19 crore over the last three years. The total debt of the company stood at Rs. 64.64 crore as on March 31, 2023 (Prov) as against Rs. 54.05 crore as on March 31, 2022 and Rs. 36.22 crore as on March 31, 2021. The management follows an aggressive financial policy marked by peak gearing of 2.86 times as on March 31, 2021. The gearing (Debt/Equity) of the company improved however remains high at 2.47 times as on March 31, 2023 (Prov.) as against 2.68 times as on March 31, 2022. Improvement in gearing comes at the back of improvement in networth of the company. The debt protection metrics of the company remained healthy reflected by interest coverage ratio at 4.06 times for FY23 (Prov) as against 2.45 times for FY22 and 1.93 times for FY21. The Debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) stood at 1.23 times for FY23 (Prov) as against 2.23 times for FY22 and 1.93 times for FY21.
Acuite believes that the financial risk profile of the group is likely to improve over the near to medium term on account of likely improvement in scale of operations and absence of large debt-funded capital expenditure.
Highly fragmented and competitive industry along with high customer concentration risk
The denim manufacturing industry in India is highly fragmented and competitive marked by the presence of a large number of organised and unorganised players. The company is exposed to intense competition from both domestic players as well as the established players in the overseas market leading to intense margin pressures. Further, the company faces high customer concentration risk with ~80 percent of the revenue comes from only two customers. However, such risk is partially mitigated by long standing relationship with these customers.