Better than expected improvement in scale of operations
EPPL’s revenue witnessed a growth in revenue from operations by ~37.46% in FY24 to Rs.92.08 Cr. as against Rs. 66.99 Cr. in FY23 due to timely execution of incremental order book. The company has booked revenue of Rs~22.99 Cr. in H1-FY25 and expects revenue for FY25 to be Rs ~ 103 Cr., since the execution and billing is higher towards year end. Operating Profit margin has largely been in line with previous trends at 10.68 % in FY24 as against 10.85 % in FY23 while the net profit margin of the company increased by 104 bps and stood at 6.56% in FY2024 as against 5.52% in FY2023. This was majorly because of the decrease in the prices of the raw material procurement as the prices of the solar chips decreased in FY24.
Benefits derived from experienced management
The promoter of EPPL, Mr. Sandeep Mann has and Mr. Kushavjeet Mann an experience of over a decade in the power industry with respect to electrical and contractual work. The experience of the promoter has enabled the company to maintain strong relations with its customers as well as with its supplier. Acuité believes that the promoters' experience and healthy relations with its customers and suppliers will continue to benefit EPPL over the medium term.
Healthy Order Book
The company has an unexecuted order book of Rs. 70.01 Cr. to be executed in FY25 and an additional unexecuted order book of Rs. 135.21 Cr. to be executed by the second quarter of FY26. The order book is a mix of both solar water pumps and substations contracts. As of September 2024, the total order book stands at Rs. 205 Cr., with new orders amounting to Rs. 106.29 Cr. secured for FY25, providing revenue visibility over the medium term.
Healthy Financial Risk Profile
The financial risk profile of the company is improved marked by healthy net worth, improved gearing and moderate debt protection metrics. The tangible net worth stood at Rs.30.84 Cr. as on March 31, 2024 as compared to Rs. 24.90 Cr. as on March 31,2023 due to accretion of reserves. Gearing stood at 0.08 times as on March 31, 2024, compared to 0.18 times as on March 31,2023. The interest coverage ratio stood at 5.69 times as on March 31, 2024, compared to 3.58 times as on March 31, 2023 because of increased profitability. The debt service coverage ratio stood at 2.53 times as on March 31, 2024, as compared to 2.63 times as on March 31, 2023. The TOL/TNW stood at 0.77 times as on March 31, 2024, as compared to 0.82 times as on March 31, 2023. Acuité believes that the company's financial risk profile will remain healthy over the medium term, backed by steady cash accruals.
Highly competitive industry
EPPL is into power projects, wherein the sector is marked by the presence of several mid to large sized players. The risk becomes more pronounced as tendering is based on minimum amount of bidding on contracts and susceptibility to inherent cyclicality in the infrastructure segment. Further, it is dependent on State Government's thrust on power infrastructure works.
Working capital operations - Intensive
The working capital cycle of the company has improved while still being intensive as reflected by a reduction in gross current assets (GCA) to 174 days in FY24, compared to 200 days in FY23. Debtor days have improved from 146 days in FY23 to 130 days in FY24. The company also saw a reduction in inventory days, which decreased to 4 days in FY24 from 25 days in FY23, primarily due to a decrease in the rate of procurement. Acuite believes that despite the improved working capital cycle it still is expected to remain intensive over the medium term.