Established market position and long track record of operations
Asianet News Network Private Limited(ANNPL) is a subsidiary of Asianet News Media & Entertainment Private Limited (ANMEPL) which is owned by Jupiter Capital Private Limited (JCPL). ANNPL handles two news channels in Kannada and Malayalam namely Asianet news (Malayalam) and Asianet Suvarna News (Kannada). Company has established track record of almost three decades in news channel business, the company is managed by Mr. Frank Pettakkatt Thomas and Mr. Neeraj Kohli. The extensive experience of the directors has helped company in establishing strong relationship with its various stakeholders. The company has two subsidiaries namely Kannada Prabha publications limited (KPPL) and Asianet Media and entertainment FZ LLC(AMEFLLC). KPPL operates a news paper named Kannada Prabha. Major revenue of ANNPL is through advertisement incomes, and revenue through content sale. ANNPL is market leader in Malayalam news channel industry and one of the top three news channel in Kannada news channel industry.
Acuite believes that ANNPL will continue to benefit from its long track record of operations, extensive experience of the management and established market position in Malayalam and Kannada news channel industry.
Established brand recognition with stable viewership base
ANNPL handles two news channels namely Asianet news in Malayalam and Asianet Suvarna news in Kannada, company's Malayalam news channel Asianet news is a market leader with highest viewership base of around 30 percent in Malayalam news channel industry and Kannada news channel Asianet Suvarna news is also ranked among top three news channels with stable viewership base of around 12 percent in terms of television rating points. As two news channels are free to air, ANNPL derives most of its revenue through advertisement income.
Improving scale of operations
ANNPL's revenue has increased to Rs. 162.61 Cr in FY23 as against Rs.147.37 Cr in FY22 and Rs.111.21 Cr in FY21. The major source of revenue is derived from advertisement contributing nearly 78 percent of total revenue; balance revenue is contributed by sale of content and revenue from events. Most of the advertisement revenue is through advertisement agencies, which is recurring in nature and source of advertisements are fairly diversified between local ads and general advertisements. Further, company also follows differential pricing for ads telecasting at prime time, important events/occasions, and national holidays. Furthermore, the company’s operating profits has improved consistently to Rs.20.11 Cr in FY23 as against Rs.10.85 Cr in FY22 and Rs.2.84 Cr in FY21. The consistent growth in revenue and stable operating expenses has resulted in higher profitability margins which has improved to 12.36 percent in FY23 as against 7.37 percent in FY22 and 2.55 percent in FY21. PAT margins remained volatile in past three years, PAT margin for FY23 stood at 3.26 percent as against 5.47 percent in FY22 and (3.13) percent in FY21 due to higher interest cost and fluctuations in other income.
Acuité believes that the revenues of the company will continue its growth momentum over the medium term on account of the established market position.
Above average financial risk profile
The financial risk profile of ANNPL is moderate marked by moderate networth, low leverage ratio and comfortable debt protection metrics. The tangible networth of the company stood at Rs.115.46 Cr as on March 31st 2023 as against Rs.104.35 Cr as on March 31st 2022 and Rs.104.35 Cr as on March 31st 2021. The increase in net worth is majorly due to accretion of profits to reserves. ANNPL has issued optionally convertible preference shares (OCRPS) with an option to convert into equity shares on the date of conversion, company has also passed an resolution to convert the preference shares to equity share capital during FY24, therefore Acuité has recognised OCRPS as quasi equity. The total debt of Rs.116.76 Cr as on March 2023 consists of short term debt of Rs. 15.25 Cr, term loan of 24.12 Cr, current portion of long term debt of Rs.10.78 Cr and liability component of optionally convertible preference share capital of Rs.66.60 Cr. Gearing ratio stood low at 0.43 times as on March 31st 2023 as against 0.57 times as on March 31st 2022 and 0.64 times as on March 31st 2021. Further, debt-EBITDA remained moderate at 1.78 times as on March 31st 2023 as against 2.06 times as on March 31st 2022 and 2.98 times as on March 31st 2021. The debt protection metrics of interest coverage ratio and debt service coverage ratio stood at 1.98 times and 1.49 times respectively as on March 31st 2023 as against 2.37 times and 2.03 times respectively as on March 31st 2022 and 1.34 times and 1.38 times respectively as on March 31st 2021.
High exposure towards investments in group companies
ANNPL has extended financial support to its subsidiary company KPPL and its holding company ANMEPL in the form of inter corporate deposits (ICDs) of Rs.104.09 Cr (net of provision) as March 31st 2023. Considering the weak financial position of KPPL, company has made provision of Rs.13.45 Cr on the ICDs extended to KPPL and interest income from KPPL ICDs is also recognised on cash basis. ANNPL has collected interest worth Rs.4 Cr in FY23 and another Rs.4 Cr till Nov 2023 and expected to collect another Rs.2 Cr by March 2024. With respect to the principal portion of ICDs, ANNPL is planning to extend the term of loan agreement for another five years.
Acuité believes that the timely recovery of ICDs extended to group companies would remain key rating monitorable going ahead. ?
Working capital intensive nature of operations
The company's operations are working capital intensive as reflected by its Gross current asset (GCA) days of 357 days in FY23 as against 368 days in FY22 and 462 days in FY21. The debtor days of company stood at 96 days in FY23 as against 88 days in FY22 and 122 days in FY21. Working capital intensive nature of operations has led to moderate utilisation of bank limits at 32.65 percent for 12 months ending September'23.
Acuite believes that working capital management of the company will remain the key rating sensitivity.
Exposed to Advertising Cycles
ANNPL’s high dependence on advertisement revenue exposes the company to the advertisement cycles, increasing the volatility in its revenue. Economic downturns affecting advertising revenues of channels may adversely impact its business and financial condition. TV broadcasting industry faces inherent risk of cyclicality in advertisement spends by corporates and rising competetions, with an increase in the total number of channels in the TV broadcasting space. However, ANNPL's strong market position can be leveraged for increasing the advertisement income. Given the shifting consumer preferences towards digital platforms, company's ability to sustain its leadership poistion will remain important as parameter.